Friday, July 23, 2010


I know, I know-- it's been two weeks since I posted? What gives? Well, I just returned from a blissful 9-days up in Tupper Lake, NY, at our family's camp, where I chose not to check e- or voicemail for the entire trip. Then we had a slight delay in getting home (post to come on that debacle), and as soon as I returned, I got to indulge in yet another round of chemo! So that's what I'm doing now. Sitting on the couch in my jammies, cringing occasionally, trying to get the courage to go drink some water (it always tastes slightly pebbly and waay too cold to me, but I absolutely have to drink it). In a few days, I'll be back to my old self and you can expect several postings. Maybe a sonnet or two.

Til then, I will sit here scowling, watching Hitchcock films, and wishing I had some fresh nigiri sushi in front of me. Preferably salmon.

TGIF, folks. In my case, thank goodness I only have about 36 more hours of the wonderdrug "5F-U" coursing through my body. GIDDEUP!

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