Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Procedure scheduled for next Thursday

My theresphere procedure (liver radiation) has been scheduled for next Thursday, the 19th. It's supposed to knock me out from fatigue for at least a week. I'm going to miss an award ceremony at Kenyon as a result. (Oh, did I mention that? I'm getting inducted into the Kenyon Athletic Hall of Fame next weekend. Kind of a big deal, and kind of ironic to be celebrated for my physical prowess at a time like this.)

I'm slowly turning yellow again, so I'm waiting to hear back from the gastroenterologist, to see if I need a new stent, or what...

I have a huge red rash on my upper thigh. Turns out it's just a little residual internal bleeding from my femoral artery, which they opened last week when they did liver planning session. Why not.

Argh. I am completely, totally, utterly sick of this.


  1. Here's my comment. You rule. You sound totally sick of it but yet still have your awesome Shelly attitude that I love and which makes me love you. Hubba-Hubba! And also, you SHOULD be getting an award for your physical prowess...you still have it and probably a hell of a lot more! You rule. The end.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just reread my comment. I sound like a total downer. So sorry. And, by the way, CONGRATULATIONS FOR GETTING INTO THE HALL OF FAME!!!! That is amazing.

  4. Hi, Shelly. I keep tabs on your posts, as your blog is the first thing I see when I log in to blog myself. I am so sorry about the latest. I have this thought, though... the thing I keep thinking is that your physical prowess before all this started is helping you now! You have an athelete's drive, an athlete's patience, and an athlete's discipline. Times a thousand. Otherwise, you could never have made it this far with yourself intact. You are amazing. I am so sorry. And very glad that the treatment is supposed to be so badass. I will keep you in my thoughts and send positive energy the next few weeks. All the Buchwalds are thinking of you...

  5. Getting inducted in the hall of fame as a sprinter, is totally awesome and well deserved. If we'd only knew how awesome your were at going the distance you could have been training over with us in the D-lane. You got this...

  6. Thinking of you so much Shelly. Max had the theresphere procedure a year and a half ago--send me a msg if you want to know about his experience with it. He is also seeing a new group in Seattle that he really likes, integrates Western and Eastern treatments, still includes chemo, but less of it, as his body could no longer tolerate the standard chemo regimen that SCCA uses. I have the info for that other group, too, if you ever want it. xox
