Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Hi, everyone. A little update for you on this Thanksgiving eve.

First off, I am thankful for YOU. Even if you are someone I don't really know who just reads this blog for kicks. (And I mean, come on, the subject of this blog has historically been something people get a real kick out of.) Anyway, thanks for your support.

2. When they opened me up for gall bladder surgery, they did find a little surprise spot which turned out to be cancer. A few millimeters big. It's an old spot on my bile duct that we thought was dead. It hasn't been showing up on the scans, not even the PET scan. PETs, it seems, are an imperfect technology. They removed what they could of it, but, considering its tricky location, they had to leave some of it in there. Damn.

Anyway, to look at the bright side of it:
-Now at least we know it's there. And we know that our work is not done. I'm not clear. I'll still be taking a break from chemo for a little while after two more cycles (mid-December), but we will need to address things again in the new year.
-The surgeon looked around in there and didn't see any other spots, so it's not like I'm teeming with undiagnosed tumors.

3. I don't recommend doing a round of chemo right after an open surgery. Tell a friend.

4. My parents are in town for the holiday. We'll feast with my sister's family and some friends. I AM thankful. Just a little miffed about the curveballs life keeps tossing my way.


  1. From one of your stalkers, I am thankful you are upbeat and have great support. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. I'm thankful for you. And I say you don't have to be upbeat if you don't want to be. OK? Love you!!xoxoxoxo

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Shelly! I hope you get a great bill of health in 2013.

  4. happy thanksgiving! Enjoy your family day today.
    todd, Shannon, Colin and Erin H

  5. Thinking about you - and checking in all the time because I know good news is coming. Here's to the best news Santa can drop down your chimney.

  6. i'm glad to be among such a wonderful community of stalkers--best group of stalkers I've come across in all my seeking for...uh...stalkers. Shel, I agree; we know it's there, we will address it. BETTER TO KNOW. someone said, "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER" (who WAS that, anyway? Brilliance, i tell you...) and here's to a powerful 2013!

  7. Shelly, thinking of you so much. Max's cancer has returned in his lungs and liver, so for the first time in a year, he will begin chemo again in January. To explore other possible options, he is seeing a supposedly excellent oncologist who specializes in both eastern and western med approaches to colon cancer--he is at UCLA. Let me know if you want his info. I hate colon cancer. HATE. And i wish you could be done with it. All Max's doctors do say they see plenty of cases where it simply takes years (well, not "simply") to beat it back and make it stay AWAY. But that in some cases, it DOES stay away. I have every hope this will be the case for you.

  8. Shelly, I'm thankful for you - your fighting spirit, your wit, your humor and your smile! Keep fighting and know that we are all behind you rooting for you! Happy Holidays my friend! xoxo

  9. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?



  10. Thanks, everyone, for all your comments. I read and love every one.

    Cameron VSJ: Not sure who you are, so I can't email you. Unless of course you are my friend Cameron from GA.
