Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Today is my last day in Ohio. Been here over a week. Home! I love being here. There's something about the smells and sounds and feelings of the place where you grew up that are extraordinarily soothing, peaceful, and grounding. In my case, it's birdsong and crickets and lightning bugs and hot sun and thunderstorms and thick summer air and wind blowing through huge, leafy trees. I love being home. I love midwestern people. They're the friendliest folks I know. I adore my extended family. I'm so lucky to have the life I do (er-- with one glaring exception.) Tonight it's back to Seattle, then chemo Thursday-Saturday. I feel a little melancholy about leaving and thinking about what's ahead this week, but I'll get through it. I always do. I have a sore throat today and low energy. Probably a cold. It will be interesting to start chemo already a bit depleted. Why not up the hellacious factor a tad. My body likes a good challenge. Praying for an uneventful flight to Seattle with the munchkins. Sayonara for now.


  1. I like how you waxed poetic about Ohio. I really miss lightening bugs. And thunderstorms.
    And you!

  2. Hey, Shelly Girl. So sad we missed each other in Maumee ONCE AGAIN! We'll be there in a couple of weeks. I'm serious about meeting up with you this summer, though. Can we figure out a way to see each other when you're in this neck of the woods for your annual Tupper excursion? I'd even haul it up to the Burlington airport just to have a cup of tea with you (or stand in line with you as you check in)...

  3. One more thing: is it just me, or do the words in your last post form the rough geographical shape of the great state of Ohio?

  4. There's no place like home! I love the midwest in summertime. I've been thinking about you often, Shelly, and stalking you on your blog:-) I'd love to see you and the kiddoes sometime soon. I hope this next weekend is uneventful. hugs, Tesia

  5. So happy you enjoyed home!! I miss you so much!!! Nothing beats love from family and loved ones.

  6. So happy you enjoyed home!! I miss you so much!!! Nothing beats love from family and loved ones.

  7. Hi Shelly, I want to tell you that I think you are an incredibly beautiful, brave and talented woman. I am always sending you my love. Sarah B.
