Friday, January 29, 2010


This weekend, I've chatted with several friends for the first time in a few weeks. After talking with me for some time, each of them told me that they were truly surprised how strong and happy I sounded. They also told me it might be helpful to give a status update on my overall health and state-of-mind because they'd been under the impression I was spending most of my time sleeping or depressed.

On the contrary, friends!

Go ahead: Call! Visit! I'm doing okay! Sure, I've got more help now than I ever had in my life, but still. I'm driving, I'm running errands, I'm picking up my children and throwing them around. I have a semi-healthy glow to me, or as good as you can look in Seattle on Feb 1.

I'm writing this not to brag about my fortitude or good looks, but rather to let you all know, in case you are wondering, that I honestly feel really healthy and normal. The chemo has NOT been hard on me (I'm lucky. I guess I have good genes. Oh wait, no I don't.) I'm not nauseous, I'm not particularly tired. I am definitely not wasting away, shivering, under a blanket. I'm even going to start swimming again on Monday. If I hadn't published this blog and alerted the world about my "health issue", I don't think you'd even know anything was awry.

On top of that, I'm in good spirits. We've gotten several really positive stories lately of people in my EXACT same boat, here in Seattle, some even worse off than me, who are thriving now. My plan is to join that group, and soon. Why shouldn't I? In the meantime, just rest assured that I'm here, I'm doing all right, and I'm as feisty as ever.


  1. YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I've always known you were a kick ass woman... keep it up Shelly!!! And we will all be smiling along side you as we watch you conquer this thing! xoxo

  3. LOVE it! Rock on with your bad self, Shelly!
